Stop Mask Mandates

Click Here to Tell Santa Clara County Officials to STOP

It's 2025 and Santa Clara County in California is the only place in the world that *still* requires masks...during the dubious "respiratory virus season" from November 1 - March 31.

Every year.

Pregnant women must wear a mask while giving birth. Their partners, when holding their newborn child. Physical therapy patients must wear a mask while working out.

We have an innumerate "Public Health Officer" who got many things wrong during COVID, but rather than learn from her mistakes, has doubled down to maintain control. Please click the button below and send an e-mail to Santa Clara County officials and demand change.

The World Health Organization does not recommend this policy; their Pandemic Preparedness Guide shows (Page 26): "there was no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza". No other state requires this. Why not require Prayer to Zeus? Or Leaches and Blood-Letting?

This unscientific policy is harming tens of thousands of residents. Coercive, baseless policies erode public trust in medical advice.

Click Here to Tell Santa Clara County Officials to STOP

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